No More Excuses – 8 Easy Ways To Get Ready For The Summers –

The summers are nearly here and every year you promise yourself that you will get the perfect beach body and not shy away from wearing all those clothes you want to wear and every year you drop the ball. But not this year! A successful workout program requires dedication and a definite end goal. This year we are going to tell you how to get ready for the summers and by the time you’re done you’ll be more than confident in your own skin.

  1. Eat a majority of your calories before 3 p.m.

Studies have found that people who eat a heavier breakfast and lunch are more likely to lose weight than those whose biggest meal is at dinner time even if both these people consume the total same number of calories.


  1. Do not forget to stretch before every work out.

As we age, our body loses its elasticity therefore it is very important to do a good stretch before and after your workout. Stretch out those muscles that you tend to use the most and hold each stretch for at least 30 seconds.


  1. Start your day off with some Yoga to empower your body and soul.

Cosco makes these amazing Yoga mats that are perfect for a morning workout. You can also add Yoga moves to your morning routine such as blow drying your hair upside down to stretch your hamstrings and add some shoulder openers while shampooing your hair! This will also make your dull morning routine immensely more interesting.


  1. Go all out when you’re working out.

Go gadget free and listen to what your body is trying to tell you. Push your body to its limits when you’re working out and get more done in a shorter span of time. Do bigger arm and leg movements to burn a lot more calories with the same workout.


  1. Don’t ruin all the hard work you’ve put in the day by consuming high calorie alcoholic beverages in the night.

Choose your poison carefully and drink within limits. Don’t spend 2 hours a day working out and down high calorie beers in the night! Substitute sugary mixtures for water or soda and see the difference it makes.


  1. Target all your major muscles during your work-out.

Moves like squats and lunges target your bigger muscles which means more calories burnt. Target your bigger muscles and take smaller breaks during interval training. Add a few more reps to your regular routine such that you push your body to its absolute limit.


  1. Drink lots of water to keep yourself hydrated throughout the day.

You’ve heard this over and over and haven’t paid heed to it but it’s time you do. You will be surprised at the difference it makes when you consumer enough water. Drink water half an hour before your meal such that you consumer lesser food and in turn lesser calories.


  1. Get the proper amount of sleep.

Not getting sleep makes you crankier and in turn makes you crave for food with higher carb content. Your body needs to heal and repair itself after a strenuous workout which is why you need to sleep early. Sleeping early will also help you cut down on late night binge eating which is the absolute worse!


7 Things Really Fit People do to stay in Shape

It takes hard work and immense diligence in maintaining fitness. There is no short cut to success and this stands right for those who want to stay in shape throughout. With firm determination in following the path made, one can live up to the expectations of winning the challenge of being in shape.

7 Things Really Fit People do to stay in Shape

  1. No room for Compromise: Fit people are those who don’t come any closer to the word “compromise”. They believe in leading the route with no distraction. Their unusual yet result oriented regime is so zealous that nothing gets on their way.


  1. Sound sleep: People who are fit and intend to remain so always get a sound sleep for the next day to look better. A good sleep awakens the mind and body after all the hard work and wince of the day. They always look forward to the future and plan it ahead for no scope of a loophole.


  1. Good Food: The stomach is the machine that regulates the productivity in us. If the machine is not fed with good fuel and food, one will lack the resistance to the intensive workout. Good food is the input for the output of good body.


  1. Workout: Fit people have a strict framework to their workout either at home or the gym. Their constant endurance to stop the clock of age adds to their optimism. No matter where they are, they will not miss on their session. They are high on dedication. Indoor workouts like push-ups, squats, crunches, and planks are good to start with.


  1. Anti-Stress Philosophy: Stress is the mother of all diseases that eventually pulls down one’s health and fitness. Fit people never take the stress. They kill the stress with their attitude which is always optimistic. They find a solution for a problem and not a problem for a problem. In short, they have won over life.


  1. Yoga: Ask a fit person, the secret to the toned body that works as a veil on their age, the answer will be Yoga. They have mastered the art of yoga and begin their days with Yoga. Be it phillate bands or yoga mats, get your pick and start if you have been inspired to be fit as ever.


  1. Must have Exercise Equipment: Equipment plays a vital role in giving the shape one wants. Indoor exercises help more when you have the right equipment. You can trust Cosco, India for the supply of premium machines.


By now, you should have geared up for an extreme plan that never knows when to stop. Staying fit will boost up your confidence and self-esteem that are the keys to be successful individuals too.

7 Simple Things to Do before Your Shower to live a Healthier Life

“Everyone who has taken a shower has had an idea. It’s the person who gets out of the shower, dries off and does something about it that makes a difference.” By Nolan Bushnell

Bathing is directly proportional to the health of mind. A person tends to feel lethargic and worked up if the shower is missed. Apart from the hygiene factor, shower can help reap benefits if certain things are done just before you bathe. Let us know the 7 simple things if done before our shower can assist in leading a healthier lifestyle.

7 simple things to do before shower for a healthier life

Health is not just confined to your body; it is also related to skin and hair. So simple tasks can get you the desired result, when, done just before your shower time. Do you crave for beauty that is healthier and beneficial?

  1. Workout: This is for people who complain of the crunch of time. You can spare 5 minutes before the shower because we anyway spend time loitering around, finding things before a shower. Why not utilize only a few minutes for warm up so that we feel refreshed post bath.
  2. Scrub the body: Body scrubbing is not recommended to be done on a regular basis. It can be harmful for the skin. Getting a good body scrub and then rubbing it all over the body before you are washing off the dirt from the body can result in an evenly glowing skin. If you can’t scrub the whole body by yourself, you can take help of someone you are close to.
  3. Oil the hair: Oiling the hair before shower gives immense strength to the hair making it strong and healthy from the roots. Never tried this? Time for you to take care of the hair too. You can combine this with scalp massage too for added advantage.
  4. Yoga: Yoga asana which are not too complicated and doesn’t require lying down can be continued before the shower for those who find not time otherwise.
  5. Moisturize the body: Many of us moisturize after bathing but moisturizing before shower can be more fruitful than post shower. The moisture in the body is retained for the whole day keeping your skin smooth and scratch free.
  6. Gear up for the day: Planning the day before going to the shower or sitting in the shower thinking of the ways of achieving the day’s goal is advisable for a healthy mind and perfect start of the day. It is always good to plan than to fail.
  7. Add nutrition to the breakfast: If the shower is to leave for office or school or college, make sure to prepare the breakfast ready first so that you don’t have to miss on the nutrition at the last minute.

All these simple yet helpful tips can give a tremendous result with not just enhancing the balance of body and beauty but also the mind.

It is an urge for everyone to lead a life that is healthy and when this, not too easily achievable goal, seems achievable with this simple regime, anyone would love to follow the secret to healthy living religiously.

I am up for it. Are you?

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7 Easy Fitness Exercises You Can Do At Home to Lose Weight

Other than the time factor, affordability of equipment can be a dominant reason for not taking to exercise. Only equipment helps in losing weight is a myth. Doing basic exercises like push-ups, squats, yoga and much more are doable that need no money or more time.

7 easy fitness exercises you can do at home to lose weight

  1. Yoga: The most basic way of losing weight is following Yoga. It is highly beneficial and appreciated by people of all age group. The absence of side-effects is another positive aspect to practicing yoga.
  2. Squats: One of the easiest ways of getting in shape without investing money is squats. Without high demand of equipment and time investment, one can easily perform squats sitting at home and gain the desired result in terms of weight management.
  3. Push-Ups: We all are acquainted with this term as it is frequently used by people across the globe. If there is something that gives impact instantly and makes your body and muscles extremely strong, then it has to be push-ups.
  4. Walking Lunges: While we work on the whole body transitioning, walking lunges work effectively on the hips and thigh area. It can be more effective if you carry dumb-bells in your hand while you are walking lunges.
  5. Leg Balance: Most of us have done this as a part of punishment in school. Single leg stand was our teachers’ favorite punishment on us and now it sounds like a blessing. Standing on one leg balancing the curved posture of the body can be massively impactful.
  6. Side Plank: Planks and push-ups are common exercises done for an intensive workout. Side plank is one type of plank that improves stamina and strength putting all the pressure on one side of the body while you are resisting with one part of the body.
  7. Superman Back Extension: Lying on the stomach, you can lift the upper and the lower body to feel the pressure that eventually helps in weight loss goal of yours.

Dedicating only 15-20 minutes, one can lose weight and maintain the need of the hour that is to stay fit and healthy. I wish the phrase “early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise” was true. Alas! If only sleeping and waking early could make one fit, we wouldn’t have to take any pain to maintain the body weight and look young forever.

A fit body is the powerhouse of extreme energy which is required for sustaining the daily activities. If you have been struggling to manage time, the above tips could teach you some time management too.

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From New Year Resolution to Revolution

I never knew this would happen in my life. But it happened and I am a popular figure now in my town. New Year resolution was never my cup of tea until one day when I had taken to bed. It was winter last year and exactly on the 1st of January, I hopped in for a picnic with my colonial cousins. It was an adrenaline fun along the river side. The river water was calling me and I couldn’t resist. The result later was a bad cold and body ache. Don’t judge me on that. I do exercise but adieu bye to it during winters. Hence I suffered.

My New Year resolution began on the 2nd of January of 2015 to keep my immunity stronger. I got even conscious because the rest of the people who had done the same activities were all smiling and chirping the usual manner the next day.

Yoga, the game changer

Yoga it was. I made up my mind to teach and practice Yoga that could keep me rejuvenated and helped me impart the most important lesson of physical fitness to the kids. Surprisingly, I have more than forty practitioners now and they can’t do without a single day of Yoga.

The beginning wasn’t a smooth sail. I was the only soul doing it religiously. When kids of my neighboring area got to know about it, attracted many kids and young minds as we know love to take part in something they don’t know much about. That was the stepping stone for me. Soon a few increased to more and now I don’t have enough yoga mats. It is a sense of achievement for me. This initiative might sound a smaller one but the fruit is worth mentioning. When people call you the Yoga Guru, it puffs you with pride.

A simple Yoga regime can beat your unhealthy routine and inspire others at the same time. To start with I ordered around 10 Yoga Mats from Cosco and those were my lucky charm.

Effects of Yoga in my life

My life has taken its active shape with the help of Yoga. More than staying active with it, inspiring others to be active motivates me. Cherry on the cake is each of the following-

  • Life has gotten optimistic and health is three times better than it used to be
  • Practically speaking, mind and body feel relaxed, a feeling which I have never experienced before
  • Fitness can never be parted ways with be it any season
  • Everything around looks colorful and lively

Imagine the kind of turn Yoga has given to my life. I should also thank my only equipment that is Yoga Mat by Cosco India that has helped me accomplish this task. I cannot ignore Yoga bricks that have added a twist to the whole Yoga Asanas.

5 Ways to win over this winter and live up to your New Year Resolution

It is said that lazy people are the most creative people. I guess that is true because had there been no lazy people around, we would not have come across the simple machines that make life simpler. Such people can get things their way or the highway. But when it comes to Fitness, it is a conundrum that these creative people can’t do much about. This chilling winter adds on to the pain in the neck. It is no less than an uphill task and I truly second the feeling. Hey, wait! Don’t get disheartened.

I hate winters but I love to stay fit. In order to keep myself in shape and not to lose on my health factor, I have stumbled upon certain workouts that are fun as well as powerful. They have worked great for me. Hope they do the same for you. Let me share the secrets.

5 Classic Workouts with a modern touch

Workouts can be really interesting if done the right way with some innovations. The question that must be on your mind is “Can they be done at home?” Absolutely! So let your wings spread and help you be persistent with your fitness activity even during this cold time of the year.

  1. Power Yoga: It is the advanced form of Yoga. As you are already used to hardcore workouts during summers, this should be just another routine for you. Though the name sounds scary, the result and feasibility of carrying it out even in winters is an advantage. You have a room, be it small or big and you have a yoga mat, you are set to start. Beginners can do 15 minutes power yoga watching videos. You can play your favorite music in the background and enjoy your session.
  2. Burpee: Like a full breakfast that includes everything nutritious, Burpee acts like one. It is a mix of pullups, pushups, and squats etc. that make you fitter with every workout. You might need a Yoga Set Mudra for this and this can work like a charm, without a doubt. Yoga Set Mudra from Cosco India has great quality with excellent durability. I am using that. Maybe that helps you too.
  3. Skipping: We have all done this when we were young and enjoyed doing it. Why not include it in the workout at home? It is a wonderful activity that warms your body up and enhances your stamina too. You don’t have to spend a fortune either for this, just a simple skipping rod and it works like a charm for you.
  4. Aerobic: If you love music and don’t want the hectic exercise burden you, a peppy number and aerobics can be an excellent choice.
  5. Running: One of the best ways to enhance your cardio regime is running. You will need a treadmill, though. Spending a little on helping you keep your body fit without going to a gym sounds like a plan to you, and then a manual treadmill is the best idea.

Don’t let anything come on your way to shake a leg this winter. Wear your best work out outfit and get rolling.

I love Dwayne Johnson, popularly known as The Rock and I would like to quote him here “If something stands between you and your success, move it. Never be denied”.

My laziness has gotten a defeat this winter, so will yours.